4 exemplaires
Auteur Titre Éditeur/Imprimeur Date(s) de publication (<) Ouvrages présumés Localisation Nombre de possesseurs Fac-similés Fac-similé intégral
The poetical works of James Thomson, with his last corrections, additions, and improvements ; with the life of the author Thomson, James (1700-1748) The poetical works of James Thomson, with his last corrections, additions, and improvements ; with the life of the author Printed for C. Cooke 1794 0 Bibliothèque Roger-Maltais (Sherbrooke) 3 3
The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, with the life of the author Goldsmith, Oliver (1730?-1774) The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, with the life of the author Printed for C. Cooke 1795 0 Bibliothèque Roger-Maltais (Sherbrooke) 3 1
The poetical works of Will. Shenstone, with the life of the author, and a description of the Leasowes Shenstone, William (1714-1763) The poetical works of Will. Shenstone, with the life of the author, and a description of the Leasowes Printed for C. Cooke 1795 0 Bibliothèque Roger-Maltais (Sherbrooke) 3 4
The poetical works of Mark Akenside, with the life of the author Akenside, Mark (1721-1770) The poetical works of Mark Akenside, with the life of the author Printed for C. Cooke 1795 0 Bibliothèque Roger-Maltais (Sherbrooke) 3 2
4 exemplaires