7 oeuvres
Auteur Titre Édition Lieu de publication Éditeur/Imprimeur Date(s) Nombre de volumes Nombre d'exemplaires Nombre d'exemplaires présumés Fac-similé intégral (<)
Baumes, Jean Baptiste Théodore (1756-1828) Traité de la première dentition et des maladies souvent très-graves qui en dépendent Paris Méquignon aîné 1806 1 0
Billard, Charles Michel (1800-1832) Traité des maladies des enfans nouveau-nés et à la mamelle 1 0
Christison, Robert (1797-1882) A Treatise on Poisons in Relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic 1 0
Silver, Ebenezer David The diseases of the rectum and anus, with numberous cases illustrating the successful practice of an improved mode of curing the piles, fistula, prolapsus, haemorrhoidal tumours, and strictures, without cutting or confinement 10e éd. London [Londres] Simpkin, Marshall 1870 0 1
Mackay, Robert W. Stuart The Canada directory : containing the names of the professional and business men of every description, in the cities, towns and principal villages of Canada : together with a complete post office directory of the province, a directory to public offices, officers and institutions, a variety of statistical and commercial tables, exhibiting the population, trade, revenue, expenditure, imports, exports, public works, etc., of Canada, and a variety of other useful information, brought down to November, 1851 Montréal John Lovell 1851 1 0
The Canada directory for 1857-58 : containing names of professional and business men and of the principal inhabitants in the cities, towns and villages throughout the province : alphabetical directories of banks, benevolent and religious societies, clergy of all denominations, crown land agents custom houses and officers of customs, governmental departments and employes [sic] militia, newspapers and periodicals, ports of entry, registrars, Post Office Department, post offices & postmasters with statements of imports and exports, provincial debt, revenue, expenditure, revenue from canals, trade, population, school acts, tariffs of customs, &c., and railway and steamboat routes throughout Canada Montréal John Lovell 1857 1 0
Hecker, Justus Friedrich Carl (1795-1850) The epidemics of the middle age 2 1 0
7 oeuvres