13 oeuvres
Auteur Titre Édition Lieu de publication Éditeur/Imprimeur Date(s) Nombre de volumes Nombre d'exemplaires (<) Nombre d'exemplaires présumés Fac-similé intégral
Mulock Craik, Dinah Maria (1826-1887) Bread upon the waters 0 1
Ducray-Duminil, François-Guillaume Le Phanteon littéraire; sous l'invocation des neuf Muses, de Thémis, d'Esculape, & des trois Grâces Paris Maradan 1789 - 1792 0 1
Hyde, Mary J. Bread Upon de Waters London [Londres] Samuel Tinsley 1876 0 1
"Bread upon the waters", or, Letters, illustrative, moral, and practical : addressed generally to the women of Great Britain and Ireland on the subjectof the "Stafford House Memorial," recently transmitted to the women of the United States, concluding with an appeal to gentlemen connected with the cotton question London [Londres], Edinburgh [Édimbourg], Dublin W. & F. G. Cash, John Menzies, J. B. Gilpin 1853 8 0 1
Presbyterian Church (États-Unis) Bread upon the waters, or a true story of Lucknow 0 1
McGlashan, J. Bread upon the waters, or, Old Testament stories for children : with questions, practical instruction, and an appropriate hymn to each lesson 0 1
Baker, George M. Bread on the waters : A drama in two acts Boston 0 1
Bradley, Mary E. Bread upon the waters New York General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union 0 1
Panthéon Littéraire. Littérature française. Histoire Paris Auguste Derez 1836 - 1840 23 0 1
Williams, Albert Facts upon facts against the League London [Londres] John Ollivier 1845 1 0
The annual biography and obituary for the year London [Londres] Longman 1817 - 1837 20 1 0
Scott, Walter (1771-1832) Tales of my landlord... in four volumes 4 1 0
Topham, Edward The poetry of the world London [Londres] John Bell ou James Ridgway 4 1 0
13 oeuvres