4 oeuvres
Auteur Titre Édition Lieu de publication (<) Éditeur/Imprimeur Date(s) Nombre de volumes Nombre d'exemplaires Nombre d'exemplaires présumés Fac-similé intégral
Young, Arthur (1741-1820) A tour in Ireland, with general observations on the present state of that kingdom, made in the years 1776, 1777, and 1778 and brought down to the end of 1779 Dublin Printed by G. Bonham for Messrs. Whitestone, Sleater, Sheppard, Williams, Burnet, Wilson, Jenkin, Wogan, Vallance, White, Beatty, Byrn, and Burton 1780 1 0
Young, Arthur (1741-1820) Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789, undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity, of the kingdom of France, to which is added the register of a tour into Spain Dublin Printed for Messrs. R. Cross, P. Wogan, L. White, P. Byrne, A. Grueber, J. Moore, J. Jones, W. Jones, W. M'Kenzie, and J. Rice 1793 2 1 0
Young, Arthur (1741-1820) Annals of agriculture and other useful arts London [Londres] Printed by H. Goldney 1784 - 1815 46 1 0
Young, Arthur (1741-1820) Voyages en France, pendant les années 1787-88-89 et 90, entrepris plus particuliérement pour s'assurer de l'état de l'agriculture, des richesses, des ressources et de la prospérité de cette nation Paris Buisson 1792 3 1 0
4 oeuvres