35 exemplaires
Auteur Titre Éditeur/Imprimeur Date(s) de publication Ouvrages présumés Localisation (<) Nombre de possesseurs Fac-similés Fac-similé intégral
The fourth Gospel Hoskyns, Edwyn Clement (1884-1937) The fourth Gospel Faber and Faber Limited 1947 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 3
La lettere di San Paolo : tradotte e commentate Ricciotti, Giuseppe (1890-1964) La lettere di San Paolo : tradotte e commentate Coletti 1949 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 1
Lebreton, Jules (1873-1956) Lumen Christi : La doctrine spirituelle du Nouveau Testament Beauchesne et ses fils 1947 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Bonsirven, Joseph (1880-1958) Les enseignements de Jésus-Christ Beauchesne et ses fils 1950 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Davidson, Andrew Bruce (1831-1902) An introductory Hebrew Grammar with Progressive Exercises in reading, writing, and pointing vol. 1 T. & T. Clark 1932 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Davidson, Andrew Bruce (1831-1902) Hebrew Syntax T. & T. Clark 1901 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
McFadyen, John Edgar (1870-1933) Key to the exercises in the late Professor A. B. Dividson’s revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar with explanatory Notes T. & T. Clark 1929 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Vandervorst, J. Introduction aux textes hébreu et grec de l’Ancien Testament H. Dessain 1935 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
1949 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Les songes et leur interprétation Sauneron, Serge (1927-1976) Les songes et leur interprétation Seuil 1959 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 2
Jesus and his Church, a study of the idea of the ecclesia in the New Testament Flew, Robert Newton (1886-1962) Jesus and his Church, a study of the idea of the ecclesia in the New Testament Epworth Press 1956 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 3
Jésus-Christ, sa vie, sa doctrine, son oeuvre Prat, Ferdinand (1857-1938) Jésus-Christ, sa vie, sa doctrine, son oeuvre Beauchesne 1953 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 3
The Gospel according to St John : an introduction with commentary and notes on the greek text Barrett, Charles Kingsley (1917-) The Gospel according to St John : an introduction with commentary and notes on the greek text S. P. C. K 1958 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 1
Hunter, Archibald Macbride (1906-) Introducing New Testament Theology SCM Press 1957 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Stauffer, Ethelbert (1902-) New Testament Theology SCM Press 1955 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Rahlfs, Alfred (1865-1935) Septuaginta : Id est Vetus Testamentum Graece Iuxta LXX Interpretes Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt 1950 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
The analytical Greek Lexicon Consisting of An alphabetical arrangement of every occuring inflexion of every word contained in the Greek New testament scriptures with a Gramatical analysis of each word and lexicographical illustration of the Meanings... Samuel Bagster & Sons ; Harper & Brothers 1794 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Davidson, Benjamin (18[?]-1871) The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon consisting of an alphabetical arrangement of every word and inflection contained in the Old Testament scriptures, precisely as they occur in the sacred text, with a Grammatical analysis of each word... Samuel Bagster and sons ; Harper and Brothers 1794 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 6 0
Richardson, Alan (1905-1975) A theological word book of the Bible SCM Press 1957 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Zorell, Franz (1863-1947) Lexicon Hebraicum et aramaicum Veteris Testamenti Pontificium Institutum Biblicum 1952 - 1954 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Galbiati, Enrico Mieux comprendre la Bible et ses passages difficiles Mame 1956 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 4 0
Grollenberg, Luc Comment lire la Bible par un groupe d’exégètes Sequoia 1961 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Rowley, H. H. The Unity of the Bible : W. T. Lectures at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, and Rawdon College, near Leeds, and Julius Brown Gay Lectures delivered at Southern Baptist Seminary, Louiseville, Kentucky The Carey Kingsgate Press Limited 1953 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Palacios, Luis Grammatica Aramaico-Biblica ad Usum Scholarum : Exercitiis, Textibus et Vocabulario Ornata Desclée 1953 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Kobert, R. Textus et Paradigmata Syriaca Pontificium Institutum Biblicum 1952 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Palacios, Luis Grammatica Syriaca ad Usum Scholarum Juxta Hodiernam Rationem Linguas Tradendi Concinnata Desclée 1954 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Moscati, Sabatino (1922-1997) L’Oriente Antico Dottor Francesco Vallardi 1952 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Pritchard, James Bennett (1909-1997) The Ancient Near East in Pictures : Relating to The Old Testament Princeton University Press 1954 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Pfeiffer, Robert Henry (1892-1958) Introduction to the Old Testament Adam & Charles Black 1953 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Hahn, Herbert Ferdinand (1905-) The Old Testament in modern research SCM Press 1956 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Rowley, Harold Henry (1890-1969) The Faith of Israel Aspects of Old Testament Thought: The James Sprunt Lectures delivered at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, 1955 SCM Press 1956 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Touring club italien L'Italie en un volume Librairie Hachette 1950 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
1951 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Taylor, Vincent (1887-1968) The person of Christ in New Testament teaching Macmillan et Co ltd, St Martin’s Press 1958 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 3 0
Lebreton, Jules (1873-1956) La vie et l’enseignement de Jésus Christ Notre Seigneur Beauchesne et ses fils 1951 0 Centre Joseph-Charles-Taché (UQAR) 4 0
35 exemplaires